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Freaky Friday 2003 Review

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Freaky Friday is one of those less popular jewels, a fun, light-hearted story with a deep message. It brings together humour, tears, fun, and love, without ever overemphasizing its point.

Freaky Friday screenshot 1

Tess and Anna Coleman are a stressed out mother and pair duo, each juggling work and boyfriends and constantly blaming the other for “ruining their lives.” This story is about how by a supernatural intervention, they come to understand each other better. Jamie Lee Curtis is outstanding in both the roles of Tess and Anna – she is the one that holds the entire movie together. In the film’s own words, Jamie ROCKS!! Her perfect comic timing, her dazzling smile and her ludicrously crazy acting as Anna makes Freaky Friday the fun thing it is. She brings alive the love between Tess and Ryan. Lindsay Lohan does a good job as well, but is never convincing in the role of the mother as Jamie is in a 15 year old’s shoes.

Freaky Friday screenshot 2

The dialogues and small details are intelligently added, and the film fits together very sweetly. Several typical old generation- new generation conflicts are addressed wittily. Of course, the way the switch of mother and daughter was affected in the first place is a bad patchup, but hey, we can forgive that because that’s what led to this great movie. You can even forgive that Jake was such an airhead.

The “I don’t wanna grow up” band song sounds awe-inspiringly cool in the movie, especially at that point when Tess is stuck on the stage, not sure what to do and then Anna comes to the rescue.

The last part of the film becomes heavy with emotions, as both mother and daughter realize that neither could’ve done any better as each other; and then comes the rehearsal toast, where selfless love straightens out their fortune. I guess we all need to take a lesson from this movie and think twice before blaming someone else about our problems.

Freaky Friday screenshot 3

Brilliant acting, fun lines, rocking songs – what other reasons do you need to watch this movie?

Rating: 4.5 stars

Written by anti7neutrino

April 19, 2009 at 8:01 am